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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) is an Institute of National Importance. It was formerly known as Maulana Azad College of Technology (MACT), which was Indias one of the first eight Regional Engineering Colleges. The institute has been named after the great scholar, educationist and the first education Minister of Govt. of India, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. The Govt. of India and Govt. of Madhya Pradesh jointly sponsored the Institute in 1960 to attract bright young.......
Website :
Address :
Bhopal(Madhya Pradesh)
Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science, Indore established in 1952 as a tiny Institute has grown into a leading technological Institution in the state of Madhya Pradesh but also the entire central and Western Regions of the country in a span of 35 years. Considering the quality of the manpower generated by the Institute, a high power committee of the government of India has ranked it 16th in the country including IITs and NITs. While recognizing its academic.......
Website :
Address :
Indore(Madhya Pradesh)

It has been at the forefront of learning, teaching and research and leader in many different fields in its educational endeavour. In a relatively short-time span it has created an image for its excellence as an institution of higher learning through outstanding teaching and world-class research so as to produce well-rounded graduates with lifelong abilities to provide leadership within the societies they serve. We have a well-deserved reputation for last 15 years for excellence, as.......

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Address :
Gwalior(Madhya Pradesh)
The Lions and the Rising Sun ( which, together formed the Crest of the great Vikramaditya) represent indomitable courage and the rising light of wisdom. The Book Poised liaghtly on the petals of the lotus signifies the numerous branches of learning. The Silhouette of the temple of Mahakaleshwara symbolizes the sacred culture of the ancient city of Ujjain, the seat of the University
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Address :
Ujjain(Madhya Pradesh)
In University, you would be constantly bumping into, interacting with and learning from students and faculty from more than a hundred countries, from a wide range of disciplines from philosophy to physics, from medicine to music. Join us and be a part of a leading global university which aims to equip and challenge our graduates to make a difference in a globalize world full of opportunities.
Website :
Address :
Hapur(Uttar Pradesh)
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