(Catering To The Needs of The Business World.)
Institute Description
The University of Allahabad was the first few among Indian Universities to offer a post graduate management programme in 1965, when Motilal Nebru Institute of Research & Business Administration (MONIRBA) was set up. Today it stands as one of the premier management institute of the country and is committed to achieving excellence in the field of management education & research. The Primary mission of the educational programmes at MONIRBA is to create a cadre of professional men & women, who have been imparted certain skills, have learned to consider problems from a broad managerial perspective, and, have thereby acquired a heightened sense of moral and social responsibility that their future positions of authority would call far.
Institute Location
  • Allahabad
    • MONIRBA , Chatham Lines Campus Allahabad Uttar Pradesh India
      0532-244160 0532-2644049

Institute Contacts
  • Allahabad
    • Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute Jhusi, Allahabad Uttar Pradesh India
      +91-0532-256920 +91-0532-256921 +91-0532-256920
Other Info
MONIRBA has been the poineer institute of management in the country. And keeping with the spirit, we strive to churn and shape the best minds, catering to the overall needs of the society. We have realized the need to elevate the student perception of realizing success within, instead of only outside. That is the crux of our courses.
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