SURYA College of Planning & Engineering Management
Home -> SURYA College of Planning & Engineering Management
Institute Description
Surya School of Planning And Engineering Management is located amidst the lush-green surroundings on the Lucknow-Sultanpur National Highway by the side of Amar Shaheed path near Ansal Golf city at Hariharpur locality, offering congenial environment to the students that is a requisite for objective and job oriented courses.
Institute Location
  • Lucknow
    • College of Engineering Sciences & Technology, VII-Gaura, Mohan Lal Ganj, Raebareli Road Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India

Institute Contacts
  • Lucknow
    • Hariharpur , Opp Anasal's Golf City Shaheed Path Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India
      9415788767 9335084369
Other Info
The objective of the college is to provide a campus equipped with all modern facilities with well developed laboratories imbibed with other essential amenities that is preferred and an elementary requisite for the students of B.Tech and MBA course as well along with a flare of perfect blending of veteran faculty members in their specialized fields that would aim at catering to what is required as an assistance to the students at every step of their learning process.
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