Shri Ram Institute of Management
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Institute Description
The Centre's contribution to research, training, seminars and publications in the last forty years has, to a large extent, helped in bridging the gap that exists between the practitioners and social scientists. It has, in the process, earned a name for itself in India and abroad. It has completed 170 research projects (mostly sponsored by national and international bodies), conducted over 3000 training programmes and published 63 books based on its own research studies. The research projects have been sponsored by various ministries of the Government of India, public sector undertakings and other industrial companies and international organizations like the ILO, World Bank, Ford Foundation, UNDP, FES (Germany) and ADRC (Canada). When the Centre was set up in 1963, it was considered appropriate to create an institution devoted to research on industrial relations and human resources management and development.
Institute Location
  • New Delhi
    • 4, Safdar Hashmi Marg , Mandi House New Delhi Delhi India
      011-23352410 011-23352114 011-23352415

Institute Contacts
  • New Delhi
    • 4, Safdar Hashmi Marg, Mandi House, New Delhi Delhi India
      011-23352410 011-23352412 011-23352414
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In 1964, it launched the "Indian Journal of Industrial Relations". The journal has been published uninterruptedly since then. It is subscribed by prominent research organisations and important universities in various countries in South East Asia, the West and the American Continent. In 1968, a separate management division was set up to undertake training of industrial managers. This gave a boost, to the training activities in many areas of management study. Subsequently, in 1971, it was felt there has been a growing realisation to broaden the scope of research and training activities to include aspects of economic and social development. A number of activities (research, workshops, etc) have been taken up on the subjects of Grass Root Democracy (PRI) its contribution to health and education, as well as women and labour, both in the organised and unorganised sectors. A number of studies on people related aspects in industrial companies and understanding successful management strategies in the era of globalization have also been taken up. SRC has been providing post gratduate management education since 2003. It’s course is affiliated to Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. It has also run a regular course on management education for business executive between 1981-89.
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