SMS Institute of Technology
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Institute Description
The SMS Institute of Technology,Lucknow has been promoted by School of Management Sciences,Varanasi which is an A+ rated Institute and regarded as a quality brand in the field of professional education since its inception in 1995.The academic and administrative patronage of the School of Management Sciences will be a testimony to the healthy growth of SMS institute of Technology, Lucknow.
Institute Location
  • Lucknow
    • Kashimpur, Biruha (Lucknow-Sultanpur Road), Gosaiganj Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India
      09792633331 09415339370

Institute Contacts
  • Lucknow
    • Sms Institute of Technology Lucknow Sky HI Champur, 2nd Floor , 5 Park Road Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India
Other Info
In the recent times there has been a great metamorphosis in the technological sector. The surge in the economy has also led to the emergence of several new and promising job prospects. To carry forward the growth that the country has been witnessing in the recent years, we require highly trained and competent professionals who along with their technical prowess have the human touch as well. Aware of this hiatus between the existing resource base of technological crusaders and the demand that is expected to come up in the years to come, the SMS Society decided to set up a centre of excellence with the intention of imparting value based education.
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