Degree Specialization
In University, you would be constantly bumping into, interacting with and learning from students and faculty from more than a hundred countries, from a wide range of disciplines from philosophy to physics, from medicine to music. Join us and be a part of a leading global university which aims to equip and challenge our graduates to make a difference in a globalize world full of opportunities.
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Hapur(Uttar Pradesh, India)
Education is for life. Nothing else is. With this realization students often search for the best colleges so that they can avail the best college education in India. With time passing by an entry to an Indian college is becoming more and more competitive. This is because college education in India is meant not only to impart formal education but an implicit effort is always on to developing the overall personality of the students.
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Address :
Agra(Uttar Pradesh, India)
1968 - Mr. T.R. Pachamuthu started the Florence Nightingale Primary School, the cornerstone of the SRM group of educational institutions. He also founded the Valliammai Society in honour of his mother Mrs. R. Valliammai, the same year. 1985 - The SRM Engineering College was established in Kattankulathur, and soon grew into numerous SRM centers of learning. 2002 - The SRM College of Dentistry was awarded the status of deemed university by the Ministry of Human Resources and Development,.......
044 - 23620776;044-4396 9999;01232-234301
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Address :
Chennai (Madras)(Tamil Nadu, India)
New Delhi(Delhi, India)
Tiruchirapalli (Trichy)(Tamil Nadu, India)
Sonipat (Sonepat)(Haryana, India)

Established in the year 1985, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) was established by an Act of Parliament. Offering education to nearly1.5 million students across India, the institute has 58 regional, 7 sub- regional, 1400 study and 41 overseas centers. Moreover, Indira Gandhi National Open University is the topmost body which works for standardization of distance education. In addition to this, the Commonwealth of Learning has provided accrediation the institute as one of.......

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Address :
Delhi(Delhi, India)

Bangalore University is located in the Garden City of Bangalore aptly hailed as the "I.T. Capital of India", was established in July 1964 as an off shoot of the University of Mysore, primarily to include institutions of higher learning located in the metropolitan city of Bangalore and the districts of Bangalore, Kolar and Tumkur, which eventually became a separate university. Initially, the two premier colleges of the city, the Central College (CC) and the University Visvesvaraya.......

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Address :
Bengaluru (Bangalore)(Karnataka, India)
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