Chitkara Educational Trust founded by Dr. Ashok Chitkara in the year 1998 had been established with clear mission to pursue excellence in all fields of education and to adhere to the highest standards of academic rigor in all its work. Based out of Chandigarh - the City Beautiful, Chitkara has grown tremendously during the last few years and is fast moving towards attaining leadership position in North India, which speaks volume about our enduring commitment, outstanding faculty and.......
Website :
Address :
Dharampur(Himachal Pradesh)

We are a private residential university located in Himachal Pradesh one of the most breathtakingly beautiful regions on the planet, the Himalayas. This website will allow you to see exactly what is unique about our institution, from our unparalleled campus and infrastructure to our integrated teaching philosophy and from our preeminent faculty to our innovative placement and training programmes.

Our students will gain access to a whole new world of educational possibilities........

Website :
Address :
Simla (Shimla)(Himachal Pradesh)
Website :
Address :
Saharanpur(Uttar Pradesh)
The Institute of Management Studies, Noida evolved from the need for a world-class business school in India. Our founders- some of the best minds from the corporate and academic worlds- visualised the leadership needs of emerging Asian economies. They recognised that the rapidly changing business landscape would require young leaders with an understanding of evolving economies, but also with a global perspective. The IMS is committed to its role in creating such leaders through its.......
Website :
Address :
Noida(Uttar Pradesh)
Ghaziabad(Uttar Pradesh)
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