List of Institutes in New Delhi (Delhi,  India)
When the aim is to ensure that the lamp of education glows bright, the results are but self- evident: The D. Y. Patil Groups forays into education and healthcare extend back to over two decades and today stand as benchmarks that others aspire to emulate. The University houses in its ambit some of the leading institutes of higher learning and has a culture of commitment, transparency and teamwork. The hallmark of the continuing success is the reputation that the University has, of being a.......
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Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai)(Maharashtra)

Creating a country imbued with a scientific culture was Jawaharlal Nehrus dream, and immediately after independence he prepared a grand design to achieve it. Among the temples of modern India which he designed, was a centre of excellence in the medical sciences. Nehrus dream was that such a centre would set the pace for medical education and research in Southeast Asia , and in this he had the wholehearted support of his Health Minister, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur.

The health survey.......

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New Delhi(Delhi)

The Lady Hardinge Medical College for women was founded in 1914 to commemorate the visit of Her Majesty Queen Mary in 1911-12. Lady Hardinge the wife of the then viceroy was the first to take initiative for starting a medical college for women, as the lack of seperate medical college for women made it possible for Indian women to study medicine.

The foundation stone of this institution was laid by Lady Hardinge on 17th March, 1914. Unfortunately this great lady died later in.......

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